Truth Lead to Days of Peace and Joy

I had some recent days of worry, stress and fear. Life was giving me some issues that I didn’t have carnal/natural wisdom to solve. I started to pray and study the Word for an answer to these issues. As I studied the Word on Love, I saw that Truth was a big part of Love. This podcast will help you have better days during stressful times in your life.


This teaching is on the fruit of the Spirit – Faithfulness. As we renew our minds and walk in the Spirit more each day, we need to meditate on personal WORDS from God to our own spirit. The Holy Spirit will teach and counsel us as we renew our minds and become more Spiritually minded each day. As you listen to this Podcast, I believe the Spirit will guide you to a new understanding of being Faithful to yourself. We are always wanting to be trusted by God and others, but are we first Faithful to ourselves? 

Click on link below to hear this Podcast.

Patience Made Easy

How would you like to be a patient person? Well, it is much easier than you think. This 10 minute Podcast will help you see how easy God has made it for you to be a patient person. God has given us patience as a fruit of the Holy Spirit. You don’t have to suffer to obtain patience’s. It is a gift from God. All we have to do is ADD it to your nature by the renewing of your mind. All learning is just renewing your mind. If you learn math, you just change your mind to its laws. Well, we get a Spiritual mind the same way!

Peace in the Storm

This 9 minute Podcast will help you enter the Peace of God in your life every day. In a world full of confusion, anger, war and hatred, you can understand the path to the peace of God. God has given us peace through the Holy Spirit. If you are born again, you have this peace dwelling in your spirit. This teaching helps you renew your carnal mind to the gift of peace. If you are Spiritually minded, you will have life and peace! Peace is where nothing is missing or broken, and you have rest from the wars within you and in the world.

Could you use more Joy today?

Could you use more joy today? This 10 minute Podcast will help you understand what the Joy of the Lord is and how to enter into a greater relationship with your Father, Savior and healer through HIS JOY! Joy is the second fruit of the Spirit as found in Galatians 5:22. I really need this fruit every day to overcome all the attacks of the world and my enemy. This is podcast continues teachings on Self Control and how that fruit of the Spirit helps us walk in all the fruits – love, joy, peace etc. If we walk in the Spirit, we will not fulfill the lust of our flesh.