Starting Over

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I started running in 1998. I have started over many times in the last 20 years. For one whole year, I couldn’t run because of cramps in my calf. I was walking 5 plus miles every day, but couldn’t run 100 yards. One day the office phone rang and it was my good friend Allen. He and I were both big boys to be runners, so we were trained together. He was at a therapist office and had been  given a way to stretch the calf. You simple took a slanted 3 ring binder put it in a door frame and stretched the calf for 1 minute putting all your weight on the calf. I tried it and I was out running the same day with no cramps. It was a very simple fix that wiped away a year of frustration.

In 2000 and 2004, I had stents put in my heart. Each time I had to start over. I have fractured both ankles during these years and had to start over. I had Achilles Tendonitis many times and started over. Every time was a new adventure to start at 1 mile and then add more miles as I built my legs back to running condition. These are just a few examples of starting over during the last 20 years.  I think one of the greatest human treats is being able to start over again and become stronger than before. (Of course you can start over every day with some things and never see growth – I have started a new diet every day for 40 years – lol).

At the present time, I am starting my new life as a retiree, starting a new marathon training course (heavier than I have been in years).  I have my daughter and her children in our home and they are starting over after my son-in-laws death. A lot of starting over is harder than recovering from a running injury. Some starting over is forming a new life from scratch.

I just want to tell my readers –NEVER GIVE UP!!! You can start over when all is lost. Just set your mind “I can do this”. What did you have the first time you started?? Many of us had nothing. If you are fighting illness make up your mind not to give up – you can start over. If your finances are gone, you can start over. You must NEVER give up. You can beat everything this world throws at you. You are a champion made in the image of God, so you can start over and be better than before.

When you were a baby, how many times did you fall and start over?

If you are down in your health, finance, depression of mind, failed relationships, grieving for a loved one – YOU CAN START OVER!

John 1: 12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.

When we become born again, we start over. That is the greatest starting over point of your life. I have also started over many times in my spiritual life, but I have learned that is not needed. I don’t have to start over with my Father. He sent Jesus so we could become children of God. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Jesus took on flesh to show the world that God understands the human experiences. You may have to start over many times in your flesh, but your born again spirit man calls on the Father for help in a time of need.

MIND CHANGE: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. If you are down today in any area, make up your mind to start again. NEVER give up! God has a plan for your life. The enemy may have caused you to be down, but you don’t have to stay there. Get Up and Start Over with The Fathers Help.


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