Taking the Mystery Out of Repentance

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As you read my post, I going to use the phrase “Mind Change”.  When I use this phrase, I am really asking you to “repent”.  You see the church tends to use the word “repent” to mean asking God to forgive you of a sin. That is a tradition that people have created. God has already forgiven all sin past, present and future. God put all our sin on his Son Jesus. That is what made Jesus the Savior. He was the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world and all our sin was placed upon him.  When you believe that Jesus was who He said He was and did what He said He did, you receive that same forgiveness of past, present and future sin.

Jesus preached repentance to the Jews while he was on the earth. He was really saying the “Savior” is here and all your sacrifice for sin and sin offerings are completed by my sacrifice. “Repent” – change your mind to receive God’s new plan ME!

So, my point is that you need to change your mind to the Words of the New Testament (also known as the New Contract). Jesus/Emanuel – God is with us! The curtain in the Temple was torn apart and God by his Spirit moved into his new temple – You and I.

Sin is still as deadly as ever, but the punishment for sin was placed on Jesus for those that receive His love. We choose not to sin because we love God. Love is the new force behind yours works for God. We don’t keep the law, but we keep the new Law. Love the Lord your God and your neighbor as you love yourself.

I work on my “Mind Change” every day. I have a carnal mind (a mind focused on what my human sin nature wants), but I want it to be spiritual.

Galatians 5:16 “So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh”

Romans 8:6  “The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace”.

Mind Change: The New Contract is a Love thing. Love never fails! You want to get rid of the sin that hurts you every day? Stop committing that sin because you love God and start using the fruit of the Spirit – control of self (Galatians 5:22)!



  1. I have enjoyed reading your blog. Very up lifting & eye opening thoughts. Keep up the good work for the glory of God. You are reaching people & that is what it is all about.

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