You Did a Few Good Things – God is Happy

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The greatest feeling in my running life is the moment I finish a Marathon. Months and months of grinding out hours of running. In those months, I live through pain, cold, heat, dehydration, runners high and long hours of being alone. But when I cross that finish line all the pain, cold, etc. vanishes for a few minutes and I feel wonderful. But after the high wears off, the pain of recover starts.

When a women is carrying a baby, there are months of pain, uncomfortable hours, joy of the baby moving, sometime sickness, swollen parts and hours you feel alone. But when that baby is laid on your chest, all the pain and months of problems fade away at the sight of the baby. Of course when the baby is taken to the hospital nursery, the pain of recover starts.

Every Christmas, we run around for day’s spending money. We get ready for the big meal. We fight the crowds to get a gallon of milk. We scrimp and save and then spend money we don’t have. Then Christmas day comes and for a few minutes it is wonderful. The kids are playing with the box the $100 toy came in and the food smells wonderful. The family is all together and all is right in the world. Of course, you wake up December 26th with a new feeling. Your clothes don’t fit. You have a food and drink hangover and the bank account is empty. You remember the slide remark someone made yesterday. You start to look over the past year, as New Year’s comes on. You remember the love ones that were not there this year. The Accuser of the Brethren (your enemy) starts to tell you how bad things are and you put on 10 pounds. He tells you how bad you suck at life and the bills will never get paid!

DON’T CRASH THIS YEAR – GOD LOVES YOU –  Does anything else really matter?

I have gone through a 2 year battle that is finally coming to a “good” finish this week. I started thinking this week about how I had just missed God this whole two years. It didn’t go my way, SO BY THE TRADITIONS OF MEN – I must have missed God somewhere! My faith was just not strong enough. I was too carnal minded. I should have zigged, when I should have zagged!

Well thank God for his fellowship , because in my early morning worship this verse came out of my spirit:

Matthew 25:23 “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’

Listen, you have been faithful with a few things this year. If we could be perfect, there would be no need for Jesus. But we all need a Savior! DON”T GET DEPRESSED this year. Come and share in your Master’s happiness. God is happy today and he will be with you all day. Don’t let the Accuser beat you up. You are a child of God and he is pleased. The Word says: without faith it is impossible to please God. I know you have faith in God’s son or you would not be reading this. Let your joy today be in the fact that your Father is happy with you.

Mind Change: I have been faithful in a “few things” and so today I will share in the Lord’s happiness over my faith. God loves me and everything else is a zero with the rim knocked off! Today is the Day the Lord has made and I will rejoice WITH him!


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